Why you should pick up the pencil, anyway.

I often feel stuck.
This is when I reach for food. (Why is another long story in itself.)

Instead of confronting what is really important: a decision, an action, a feeling – I reach for something I know well. Something comforting.

And each time, I end up in a state where I feel

a) Guilty
b) In denial
c) Inadequate

I’m sure you’ve felt your own version of this.

You probably know that all these feelings increase in intensity each time the same issue arises.

And when we finally confront what it is that we have been avoiding, it’s like lifting a heavy weight from our shoulders. The resolution is rarely as difficult as initially imagined.

So why is it that we create such burden for ourselves?



To know what you are going to draw, you have to begin drawing.

It’s the last day of 2015. That time of year again, to set new intentions, for renewed hope.

Uncertainty will continue to capture us. To tell us ‘No’. Conjured beliefs from the world around us will slip inside our minds, to plant ugly seeds of doubt, and whispers of imagined incapacity.

My intention is to pick up that pencil anyway. And just start drawing. Sometimes, to prove our self-doubt wrong is the first step to doing right.

If you need an extra breather, here are some ideas to help you balance your mind.

Our bodies hold more wisdom than the Western credo gives credit for. Let’s be kind to it first, and find a quiet peace within, so we can learn to hear what it has to say.

How do you work around uncertainty?



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