
It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful. -Brother David Steindl-Rast

(It’s odd to write a bio in third person when everyone really knows it’s you writing about yourself.)

I was once an artist-in-denial, trying to create a self-sustaining hobby. I eventually turned to art directly, using images to inspire others to tend more to the often-overlooked intricacies our lives, and our natural world.

Then I found yoga, which (for me) turned out to be a total unraveling of all I thought I knew. To reveal, layer by slow layer, practice by practice, and a clearer, truer realisation of Self. This is still very much in process.

Now, I teach at and direct Estuary Yoga Space alongside my fur baby Aria, with the occasional glow of moonlighting as an artist, or collaborating with talented creative friends.

Currently based in Melbourne, Australia.


say hello

+ lucy@estuaryyoga.com.au
+ instagram @lucy_lawes


2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Incredible work!
    I am glad I purely by accident bumped into your page. I was just searching for art for one of my projects. The world is small, indeed.
    I’d be glad to stay in touch. We are in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
    Warmest and best.

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